
  • Mr John Duckett

    Art Subject Leader

  • Mr Luke Birchall

    Art Link Governor

At Newchurch Primary School we believe that teaching and learning in art is important because it stimulates creativity, imagination and inventiveness. Through our art and design curriculum we believe that we equip our Newchurch robins with the skills, concepts and knowledge necessary for them to express responses to ideas and experiences in a visual or tactile form. It allows the children to express themselves personally.

The creative arts are valued highly, enabling children to communicate what they see, feel and think through the use of colour, texture, form, pattern and different materials and processes. To facilitate this our curriculum is built around six core disciplines (Drawing, Painting, Printing, Textiles, Mixed Media and Sculpture) which are each taught across each primary phase of Key Stage One, Lower Key Stage Two and Upper Key Stage Two. Through classwork, sketchbooks, exhibitions, collaborative work with schools, working with visiting artists and learning within arts settings, the children are able to communicate and experience the visual arts in a variety of ways.

Each year, children explore ideas and meanings through up to three different artists and designers across the disciplines. These have been specifically chosen to develop the children's understanding of significant movements and the impact creative individuals have on the world around them. Art is also applied when studying other cultures across the curriculum.

This deep arts provision is enriched through our annual work with the Warrington Primary Arts Network which allows the school to celebrate the wonderful work it does alongside other schools in the Warrington, educational visits to arts establishments, such as Tate Liverpool or People’s History Museum, Manchester, as well as through awards like Artsmark and Arts Awards.