Safeguarding Team

'There is a strong culture of safeguarding throughout the school. Pupils are confident that adults will act in their best interests. Pupils are taught how to keep themselves safe on the internet and in the community.' (Ofsted Report, 2019)

At Newchurch we have a very strong team who are responsible for the leadership of safeguarding.  The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Narraway (the headteacher) and Mr Duckett and Mrs Sizer are the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads in her absence.
If you feel that any child is at risk, please contact them on 01925 763427.
We also have a designated governor, Anthea Ray, who is responsible for the monitoring of all safeguarding procedures each half term. 
For our visitors, we have a colour-coded lanyard system.
Blue lanyards - Staff
Green lanyards - DBS checked volunteers, including governors
Red lanyards - visitors (who will have read and signed our safeguarding procedures when visiting the school)
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The Safeguarding Team
  • Mrs Jayne Narraway

    Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Designated Looked After Children Teacher and Prevent Lead

  • Mr John Duckett

    Deputy Headteacher and Deputy DSL

  • Mrs Rachel Sizer

    Reception teacher and Deputy DSL

  • Mrs Anthea Ray

    Safeguarding Governor

In line with our Mission Statement, we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our children - ensuring that all pupils, staff and visitors are safe at all times.  Safeguarding children – the action we take to promote the welfare of children and protect them from hard – is everyone’s responsibility.  Everyone who comes into contact with children and families has a role to play.


At Newchurch Community Primary School we aim to provide the best possible learning opportunities by having a friendly, healthy and safe environment that caters for and respects all our children’s physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs.  In safeguarding children we are committed to ensuring that:


  • The child’s needs are paramount;
  • All professionals who come into contact with children and families are alert to their needs and any risks of harm (actual or potential) posed to the children;
  • All professionals share appropriate information in a timely way and can discuss concerns about an individual child with colleagues and local authority children’s social care;
  • High quality professionals are able to use their expert judgement to put the child’s needs at the heart of the safeguarding system so that the right solution can be found for each individual child;
  • All professionals contribute to whatever actions are needed to safeguard and promote a child’s welfare and take part in regularly reviewing the outcomes for the child against specific plans and outcomes;
  • All safeguarding/child protection policies and procedures follow the Warrington Safeguarding Partnership guidance and DfE guidance (Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018; Keeping Children Safe in Education, 2023)
Safeguarding Policies
The following policies are due to be ratified by governors on 16.9.2024:
  • Behaviour Principles Statement
  • Behaviour Management Policy
  • Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
  • Data Protection Policy
  • Reporting Low Level Concerns Policy
  • Staff Code of Conduct
Copies of the reviewed policy available on request.