
Newchurch Community Primary School continues to be a good school.

'Newchurch Community Primary School is a friendly and cheerful place to learn and work. Pupils enjoy school and feel safe. They know that staff are keen for them to succeed.'

'Teachers have high expectations of all pupils. In turn, pupils behave well and work hard in lessons. They show an interest in what they are learning.'

'Pupils play happily together at breaktimes and lunchtimes.'

'Pupils develop confidence and independence.'

'Pupils are encouraged to express their views on how to improve the school. They are tolerant and respectful of those who may be different from themselves.'

'Leaders, staff and governors want the very best for pupils.'

'Teachers plan fun and interesting activities that develop children’s curiosity.'

'Leaders promote a love of reading across the school. Teachers read books that capture pupils’ interest and imagination.'

'Pupils concentrate fully in the calm, well-ordered classrooms. They work cooperatively together, taking turns and listening to each other’s point of view.'

'The school’s curriculum helps pupils to find out more about the world in which they live. Leaders help to bring learning alive through a wide range of exciting educational trips and visits.'

'Leaders are committed to all pupils achieving their very best. Staff are well trained in understanding how to support pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils with SEND make good progress from their starting points in this inclusive school.'

'There is a strong culture of safeguarding throughout the school. Pupils are confident that adults will act in their best interests. Pupils are taught how to keep themselves safe on the internet and in the community.'


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