Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium Funding
At Newchurch Community Primary School we believe that all children should have high aspirations and ambitions regardless of their background. It is our belief that every child should be afforded the opportunity to realise their full potential.
Each year, Newchurch receives a pupil premium grant (recovery premium) which is additional funding from the government aimed at supporting children who are from low income families, or are disadvantaged in other ways. Research indicates that pupils from deprived backgrounds underachieve in comparison to their non-disadvantaged peers. The purpose of the pupil premium grant is to fund initiatives to enable the attainment gap to be closed between non-pupil premium children and their peers.
There are three categories of children that qualify for pupil premium:
- Children who are eligible for free school meals (FSM)
- Children who are adopted
- Armed forces children
Children who are looked after (in foster care) receive pupil premium funding equal to that of an adopted pupil but this is held by the local authority.
In 2024-2025, school will receive:
- £1,480 per pupil registered as eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years
- £2,570 per adopted pupil and looked after child
- £340 per service child
Newchurch Community Primary School makes use of the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) research to support it in its decision making regarding the use of the Pupil Premium Grant. We aim to:
- Ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the individual needs of all the pupils within the school
- Utilise the EEF research to identify which strategies will serve the purpose of accelerating outcomes for the pupils and building cultural capital
- Use pupil progress meetings to analyse the performance of pupil premium pupils (of all ability levels) and modify provision in light of our findings
The link below shows how the Newchurch makes effective use of its funding in order to close the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers.
Reporting Pupil Premium (Recovery Premium) Spending and Impact
The Pupil Premium Champion will report to governors on a termly basis with regards to:
- The attainment and progress of pupils in receipt of pupil premium
- How the school is assuring provision throughout the year in response to quantitative and qualitative data
- The impact of the provision identified in the pupil premium strategy
Parents will be updated in their child’s progress on a regular basis through parental conferences and the end of school report.
Included in our published pupil premium strategy is:
- Our pupil premium allocation for the current academic year
- A summary of the main barriers to educational achievement the school feels the children face
- Details of how we intend to spend our allocation linked to EEF research
- Details of how we spent our previous academic year’s allocation
- The impact on the attainment of disadvantaged pupils
- The funding that is allocated for the current financial year
Mr John Duckett
Pupil Premium Champion
Mrs Jean Williams
Pupil Premium Governor