Parent Partnership

Parent Partnership
The partnership between home and school is vital in supporting our Newchurch robins and as such we welcome feedback from parents regarding how we can continue to improve the school experience for their children.  We make use of google forms to send questionnaires and surveys to parents to gather feedback on a regular basis. We also have a Parent Board which meets every half term.

What is Parent Board?

The purpose of the Parents Board is the opportunity for parents to be involved in leadership decisions in teaching and learning as well as pastoral developments at Newchurch, concerning agreed areas for development, which will ultimately lead to better outcomes for all children.  We value collaboration with parents and we appreciate your considered response.

There will be a specific protocol for the Parent Board meetings which will rely on consultation between parents, staff and governors. 

At each Parent Board meeting there will be:

  •         Agreed agenda
  •         Proposals to consider.
  •         Feedback from staff and children regarding proposals.
  •         Parents Board discussions and suggestions given.
  •         Parents have opportunity to vote on preferred proposals.
  •         Governors for ratification.
  •         Agreed action.
  •         Implementation of action.
  •         Review of action in following meetings.
 In 2023-2024, this involved:
  • the further development of the school's communication procedures e.g. newsletters etc
  • Provision and partnership with parents of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Over the course of the academic year 2024-2025, there will be a number of parent workshops available to our families to support them in helping their children with their learning outside the school learning environment. These will be posted here. 
Parent Board Meetings 2024-2025
Autumn 2024 Home learning
Spring 2025 Community Engagement
Summer 2026 Feeding into School Improvement Plan
Parent Volunteers
As well as attending our wonderful assemblies, PTA events and school performances, we are always very keen to involve our parents in the children's learning.  Throughout the year there are opportunities for parents, and grandparents, to come into school to work with the children as part of our 'Invite a Guest' sessions. 
In addition, parents are very welcome to become more involved with the children by becoming a volunteer and listening to readers and working on times tables. If you would like to become a parent volunteer, please see either Mrs Narraway or Mr Duckett.