School Uniform

School Uniform

Newchurch Community Primary School believes that a consistent school uniform policy is vital to promote the ethos of the school and provide a sense of belonging and identity for all pupils, regardless of their protected characteristics or socio-economic circumstances.

We believe in a consistent, fair and inclusive uniform policy and a uniform that reflects the needs of all pupils, which is affordable and the best value for money for the school and pupils’ families.

We believe that pupils learn most effectively and achieve their best outcomes when they are comfortable, able to be themselves, and dressed in such a way that sets an appropriate tone for education.


School Uniform PE Kits
Red sweatshirt or cardigan (available with or without a logo)
White polo shirt (available with or with out a logo)
Grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore
Black shoes
Grey, white or black socks
Red tights
Red gingham dress/skorts in the summer term
Red polo shirt (available with or without a logo)
Black joggers and hoodie (for outdoor PE)
Black shorts or skorts
 On PE days, children wear their full PE kit all day.
Jewellery is not encouraged; however, if children wear earrings, they should be studs and should be taken out for PE lessons or covered with plasters. Children may wear a watch but all other jewellery is not allowed and pupils will be asked to remove it.
Children with hair longer than shoulder length should tie it up in a bobble.