Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
'Leaders are committed to all pupils achieving their very best. Staff are well trained in understanding how to support pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils with SEND make good progress from their starting points in this inclusive school.' (Ofsted Report, 2019)
‘We couldn’t wish for a better school. Each child has an equal chance to flourish.’ (Parent Comment, Ofsted Report, 2019)
Miss Lauren Igglesden
Mrs Jayne Narraway
Headteacher, Senior Mental Health Lead and Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Hannah Brinksman-Wood
Pastoral Lead
Mrs Jean Williams
SEND Governor
Miss Rebecca Sullivan
Emotional Literacy Support Assistant
Newchurch Primary School is an inclusive school, who belives in equality for ALL pupils and we work together to support and care for all children and their families in our school community, including those with additional needs. Any admissions to Newchurch are in line with the Warrington Local Authority admissions procedures for community school. https://www.warrington.gov.uk/primary-school-admissions
National guidelines state that all schools must adhere to the ‘Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 0-25 Years’ (June 2014) when deciding how best to support children with SEND. The Code of Practice supports schools and parents in the process of identifying and catering for SEND children and young people from birth to 25 years of age.
The Code identifies four primary areas of SEND:
1 Communication and interaction
2 Cognition and learning
3 Social, emotional and mental health issues
4 Sensory and/or physical needs
At Newchurch Primary, there is a step-by-step graduated model of action and intervention to support children with SEND. We ensure that all pupils in our school are treated with respect and have full access to a broad and balanced curriculum by making adjustments to the curriculum to facilitate access..
- SEN Information report
- Special Educational Needs Policy
- Accessibility Plan
- Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
- Supporting Children with Medical Needs
- Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
SEND Local Offer
Warrington Borough Council is committed to ensuring that all people, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, between the age of 0 and 25 years of age receive the best outcomes possible. Therefore, the Warrington Local Offer provides information about facilities, offers and opportunities for people with SEND all in one place. Click the link below to look at the website to find out more.
ADDvanced Solutions Community Network encourages, equips and empowers children, young people and their families living with neurodevelopmental conditions, learning difficulties and associated mental health needs. Their engaging, community-based, learning, coaching and mentoring programmes will help you and your family to better recognise, understand and meet your individual needs, enabling you to manage the day to day challenges.
SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)
Warrington SEND, Information, Advice and Support Service helps parents, carers and young people with special educational needs in early education settings, schools and colleges.
At Newchurch, we aim to start reading and writing interventions at an early age. The type of intervention will depend on the severity of the child's difficulties.
Interventions can range from regular teaching in small groups with a learning support assistant who delivers work set by teaching staff, to 1-to-1 sessions.
Most interventions focus on phonological skills, which is the ability to identify and process word sounds. These interventions are often referred to as phonics.
Phonics interventions can involve teaching a child to:
- recognise and identify sounds in spoken words (for example, helping them recognise that even short words such as "hat" are actually made up of 3 sounds: "h", "a" and "t")
- combine letters to create words, and over time, use the words to create more complex sentences
- practise reading words accurately to help them read with more fluency
- monitor their own understanding while they read (for example, by encouraging them to ask questions if they notice gaps in their understanding)
Interventions are delivered in a highly structured, multi-sensory way with a focus on development in small steps and involve regularly practising of what has been learnt.
In some cases, technology will be used e.g. talk to speech technology, reading apps etc.
How you can help your child
Read to your child
This will improve their vocabulary and listening skills, and will also encourage their interest in books.
Share reading
Both read some of the book and then discuss what's happening, or predict what might happen. By reading to your child, you will be providing a model of fluency.
You may get bored of reading your child's favourite book over and over, but repetition will reinforce their understanding and means they'll become familiar with the text.
Silent reading
Children also need the chance to read alone to encourage their independence and fluency.
Make reading fun
Reading should be a pleasure, not a chore. Use books about subjects your child is interested in, and make sure that reading takes place in a relaxed and comfortable environment.